

A Journey through Six Years of Intellectual Advancement (2019-2024)

2019: Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research

The inaugural ACcESS conference took place in 2019, marking the beginning of an intellectual journey that would shape the discourse in education and social sciences for years to come. The conference theme, “Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research,” set the tone for rigorous scholarly exploration across these fields. Participants delved into cutting-edge research, shared innovative teaching methodologies, and explored the interconnectedness of the social sciences and humanities with education. This first conference laid the foundation for ACcESS to become a platform for interdisciplinary exchange.


2020: Fostering Education and Social Sciences to Sustain the Community Life in New Normal Era

In 2020, the world grappled with the unprecedented challenges posed by the global pandemic. ACcESS responded with a theme tailored to the times: “Fostering Education and Social Sciences to Sustain the Community Life in New Normal Era.” This conference highlighted the adaptability and resilience of educators and social scientists in the face of adversity. Discussions revolved around innovative online teaching methods, mental health support, community engagement in virtual spaces, and the role of social sciences in understanding the dynamics of a changing world.


2021: Emerging Roles of Education and Social Sciences in Post Pandemic

As societies transitioned into a post-pandemic reality, ACcESS 2021 explored the “Emerging Roles of Education and Social Sciences in Post Pandemic” world. The conference became a hub for envisioning the future of education and social sciences. Attendees shared insights on reimagining education systems, redefining social norms, and using interdisciplinary approaches to address post-pandemic challenges. The conference underscored the pivotal role of these disciplines in shaping a more inclusive, equitable, and resilient global society.


2022: Technological Innovation and Adaptation in Education and Social Sciences in Society 5.0

In 2022, ACcESS embraced the technological revolution and its implications for education and social sciences in “Technological Innovation and Adaptation in Education and Social Sciences in Society 5.0.” Participants delved into the intersection of education, social sciences, and emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence and virtual reality. Discussions centered on enhancing pedagogical practices through digital tools, leveraging technology for social change, and preparing learners for the demands of a Society 5.0 world.


2023: Sustainability in the Digital Age: Aligning Social Science and Education for an Evolving Technological Landscape

In 2023, ACcESS’s theme shifted to reflect the urgency of sustainability and the evolving technological landscape. The conference’s focus on “Sustainability in the Digital Age: Aligning Social Science and Education for an Evolving Technological Landscape” emphasized the role of education and social sciences in guiding society toward a sustainable future. Discussions encompassed environmental responsibility, social equity, and the ethical dimensions of technology use.


2024: Teaching Literacy and Practices in Diverse Contexts: Empowering Creativity, Innovation, and Entrepreneurial Skills for Learners and Educators for Sustainable Development

Previously, ICESS was known as ACCESS and has been held annually since 2019. In order to align with the SDGs goal by 2024, the committee has unanimously decided to change the word “Annual” to “International”. This change is aimed at fostering significant advancements in technology, specifically in the field of artificial intelligence and related domains. In this environment, it is imperative for experts in the fields of Social Sciences and Education to actively modify their research methods and thought processes. The forthcoming 6th ICESS 2024 conference seeks to cultivate the essence of innovation by extending invitations to presenters to disseminate their pioneering research. Our goal is to promote creativity, innovation, and entrepreneurial skills among learners and educators to support sustainable development.